Style, goals, and preferences determine consumer decisions. Clothes and cars should match the personal style just as much as the supermarket, where you prefer to buy your groceries, or the restaurant, where you enjoy meeting friends.

Behind these choices is usually a personal identification with a product or service, specifically with the brand, the design, a certain attitude, a manufacturing process or a group of people who make similar consumer decisions. This identification with a product or service is the most important basis for the trust and loyalty of a customer.

We transfer these basic ideas to investment in the capital market. Capital Minds develops concepts that support people in their search for their individual style in investing. This is uncharted territory. We combine findings of financial market research in the field of behavioral finance with relevant concepts of psychology
Successful investment is a question of investment style.
Every successful investor has a specific investment style. They act in a disciplined manner according to certain basic principles of security selection, portfolio construction, and risk management. Behind these principles are clear investment philosophies, hard scientific findings and, in most cases, many years of proven performance over many cycles on the capital markets.
Investment must match the personality.
People are different. They shape their lives on the basis of different attitudes, values, preferences, goals, and priorities. This individuality should also be reflected in investments on the capital market. Loyalty to an investment strategy arises when people recognize the match with their personality in it: their investor personality.
Investment should be fun.
Investment is not such a dry subject as is often assumed. Because with an investment on the capital market, a lot can be achieved and made, and in the marketplace there are dazzling personalities and exciting approaches. If the investor understands the basic ideas of their investment strategy exactly, can classify and assess its characteristics, his interest in the subject increases.
Capital Minds develops and implements intelligent customer advisory processes with the aim of reaching and inspiring more people to invest via digital platforms.

Our core competence lies in investment style consulting based on scientifically sound approaches. From the individual investor personality, which we analyze in several dimensions, we deduce the appropriate investment style.

Thus, we not only leave the investment to the left (rational) hemisphere of the brain, which undoubtedly plays an important role, but also include the right (emotional) hemisphere of the brain.
Enrico De Giorgi
Enrico, born 1975 in Brugg, Switzerland, is Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of St.Gallen (HSG). He holds a MS in Mathematics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and a PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich. His research interests are decision analysis, behavioural finance, and risk management. Currently, he is Associate Editor of Decisions in Economics and Finance. He is also Senior Advisor at Liqid Asset Management GmbH and 360F, as well as member of Swiss Fintech Innovations.
Thorsten Hens
Thorsten, born 1961 in Gevelsberg, is Professor of Financial Economics at the Institute of Banking and Finance of the University of Zurich, as well as a visiting professor at the University of Lucerne and the Norwegian School of Economics, NHH, in Bergen. The focus of his research is in the area of Behavioral Finance with applications in wealth management. He has been active in the academic world for more than 30 years, co-founded several start-ups in the university environment and is involved in various knowledge networks and associations in the field of FinTech. He is co-editor of Digital Finance and the head of the UZH FinTech Center. Thorsten studied at the University of Bonn and at DELTA in Paris and was teaching at Stanford and a chaired professor in Bielefeld.
Peter Oertmann
Peter, born 1965 in Herford, has been committed to innovation in the field of capital investment as an entrepreneur, mentor and investor for more than 30 years. He has co-founded several companies and has served for many years as CEO, CIO and board member of asset management companies. In addition, he is a lecturer for financial management and capital markets at TU Munich and the University of Basel, a member of the board of INQUIRE Europe and the Munich Finance Forum and a member of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research. Peter studied economics at the University of Georgia (USA), business administration at the University of Bielefeld and earned his Ph.D. at the University of St. Gallen.

Capital Minds is a joint venture of BhFS Behavioural Finance Solutions GmbH, Zurich,
and pecuneo advice GmbH, Munich.

BhFS Behavioural Finance Solutions GmbH

pecuneo advice GmbH

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Capital Minds
Dr. Peter Oertmann


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